Product information

Product information
Name:CAM CARBON 8x6", 20x15cm
Category:PROPELLERS > Electric > Folding Props. > Blades >
Price:8,30€ pc  
Item No:723417
Delivery status:in stock
Product information:the width of the root 8mm for M3 screw, to 16.000 rev / min
Product photo
Huge assortment of high performance folding propeller blades.
Made of carbon fiber reinforced plastic.
Blades delivered in pairs.

Equipments required for models

Slash electro 1,6m020134EARF
Name: Slash electro 1,6m
Price: 222,00€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: in stock
Performace, fun electric glider with 1.6m wingspan, controlled in all axes.
Slash 1,6m electro (uncovered kit - ready to cover)020134EARC
Name: Slash 1,6m electro (uncovered kit - ready to cover)
Price: 182,00€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: in stock
Powered, fun electric glider with 1.6m wingspan, controlled in all axes.