Product information

Product information
Name:Servo Programmer KST Tool#2
Category:SERVOS > Accessories > Servo tester, programmer, the others >
Price:103,04€ pc  
Item No:3876
Delivery status:contact us
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Why to program servos? They can be programmed via transmitter.
But some parameters can not be programmed.
The typical example is programming of brake servos, controlled via Y-cable. If the servos were built mirror-like, they would move in different sense. It can be easily solved with the programmable sense of movement CW/CCW.
The centrer servo position can be easily programmed: the Tx center setup  corresponds with the servo center.
Another interesting programming feature is setup of the maximum movement. It can be both decreased
and increased.
The programmer TOOK#1 will program these basic parameters. The programmer TOOL#2 is adaptor, which is connected between servo and USB port of computer. The program must be installed.
Presently the servos A08 v6 are programmable.