Product information

Product information
Název zboží:20010 Curved Edge Blade 5pcs
Category:TOOLS > Hand tools > Cutting > Blades >
Price:4,54€ pc  
Item No:5NA00070
Delivery status:in stock
Product photo

Equipments required for models

Der kleine Falke A1 (F1H) glider 1240mmKAV02.4316
Název zboží: Der kleine Falke A1 (F1H) glider 1240mm
Price: 62,08€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: in stock at supplier
A free-flight glider A1 (F1H) kit "Der Kleine FALKE" with a wingspan of 1240mm with an option to install the RC control system and a propelling unit with an electromotor. Whole-balsa wood model with laser-cut parts with a pre-ground Jedelsky system wing with a carbon reinforcement of tailplanes. High pre-processing, simple to build, excellent flight characteristics. Perfect as a first "adult" glider model.
TARA Glider Kit A1 (F1H)KAV02.8040
Název zboží: TARA Glider Kit A1 (F1H)
Price: 41,63€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: in stock at supplier
A builder's kit of an all-balsa F1H (A1) category free flight glider with a built-up wing and tail. An ideal introduction to the classic building and dope&tissue covering. CNC cut parts. Hand launch or hi starts with 50 m tow line.
DARA Glider Kit A1 (F1H) 1200mmKAV8047
Název zboží: DARA Glider Kit A1 (F1H) 1200mm
Price: 39,54€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: in stock
A builder's kit of an all-balsa F1H (A1) category free flight glider with a built-up wing and tail. An ideal introduction to the classic building and dope&tissue covering. CNC cut parts. Hand launch or hi starts with 50 m tow line.
SOJKA stavebnice větroně A3 (805mm)4ST11066
Název zboží: SOJKA stavebnice větroně A3 (805mm)
Price: 32,04€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: in stock
Kluzák kategorie A3 klasické celobalsové konstrukce.
DINGO A3 Glider Kit 796mmKAV02.8039
Název zboží: DINGO A3 Glider Kit 796mm
Price: 28,71€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: in stock at supplier
A builder's kit of the all-balsa A3 category free flight glider with a built-up wing and tail. An ideal introduction to the classic building and dope&tissue covering. CNC cut parts. Hand launch or hi starts with 25 m (82 ft) tow line.
Mini Beta glider kit 700mmKAV8010
Název zboží: Mini Beta glider kit 700mm
Price: 20,79€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: contact us
A simple all-balsa glider with a span of 700mm made of laser-cut parts - ideal for learning the basics of aircraft model construction. The design allows for the installation of miniature receiver and servos with control rudder and elevator, respectively with a small brushless electric motor on the pylon above the wing.
TREMPÍK házedlo 575mm4ST11065
Název zboží: TREMPÍK házedlo 575mm
Price: 12,46€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: in stock
Jednoduchý kluzák kategorie klasické celobalsové konstrukce.
KAVAN knife with cutting matKAV66.770
Název zboží: KAVAN knife with cutting mat
Price: 4,54€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: in stock
Quality KAVAN knife with cutting mat. A set of spare blades is included.
16001 K1 Knife with Safety Cap5NA00010
Název zboží: 16001 K1 Knife with Safety Cap
Price: 3,71€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: in stock
Tool brand EXCEL produced in the traditionally high quality US is a very wide variety of knives, blades, saws, chisels and other "necessities" to the workshop.

Spare part for models

Sada tří nožů RUDDOG včetně krabičky a deseti rozdílných čepelíRP-0526
Název zboží: Sada tří nožů RUDDOG včetně krabičky a deseti rozdílných čepelí
Price: 8,29€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: in stock at supplier
Sada obsahuje tři velikosti nožů včetně deseti náhradních a rozdílných čepelí.